Project Title: Prepper By Numbers – Blog and Video Series

The Prepper By Numbers (PBN) project will focus on breaking down the cost of everyday products into precise details, including dollars and cents, weights, and measures. The information provided will include insightful analyses and comparisons to make this information valuable and easily digestible for the audience.

Project Description: “Prepper By Numbers” is a content series that combines informative blog posts and YouTube videos to determine the true cost of everyday products. Through detailed analysis, the (PBN) project breaks down expenses into precise details, including dollars, cents, weights, and measures such as cups, gallons, ounces, and more. The objective is to go beyond surface-level information, providing practical insights and comparisons to empower the audience with a clear understanding of the financial intricacies behind their daily purchases. The content is designed to make financial information fun and enjoyable, revealing the real cost of certain products.

Project Scope: The scope of “Prepper By Numbers” encompasses the development of a series of blog posts and a corresponding YouTube video. The focus is on breaking down the cost of various everyday products, presenting information in terms of dollars, cents, and tangible measures. The analysis will cover a range of products, and the (PBN) project aims to calculate and communicate the true costs, offering valuable information to the audience. The content will be informative, engaging, and tailored to enhance the audience’s understanding of the financial impact of routine purchases.

Target Audience: The “Prepper By Numbers” audience will be tailored content for 

  1. Preppers
  2. Budget-conscious individuals
  3. General consumers. 

Project Objectives:

  1. Develop a series of blog posts and corresponding YouTube videos.
  2. Focus on breaking down the cost of everyday products into precise details (dollars and cents, weights, measures).
  3. Provide insightful analyses and comparisons for audience value and easy understanding.

Success Metrics:

  1. Number of blog post views.
  2. Number of YouTube video views.
  3. Engagement metrics (likes, comments, shares).
  4. Accuracy of cost breakdowns.
  5. Completion of all planned content within the timeline.

Milestones and Deliverables:

MilestoneDeliverableStart DateEnd Date
Milestone 1: PlanningProject plan and content research01/01/202401/03/2024
Milestone 2: Blog ContentDraft blog posts01/04/202401/15/2024
 Review and edits of blog posts01/16/202401/20/2024
 Finalized blog posts01/21/202401/22/2024
Milestone 3: Video ContentScript writing for the first video01/07/202401/14/2024
 Video recording and editing for the first video01/15/202401/25/2024
Milestone 4: Initial ReleasesRelease first blog post01/23/202401/23/2024
 Release first YouTube video01/26/202401/26/2024
Milestone 5: Ongoing ContentDraft and release subsequent blog posts01/27/202401/30/2024
 Script and release subsequent YouTube videos01/27/202401/31/2024
Milestone 6: Final ReviewReview and quality check of all content02/01/202402/01/2024
Milestone 7: Project CompletionProject completion report and analysis02/01/202402/01/2024

Key Details to Include in the Project:

  1. Identify the target audience for the content series.
  2. Determine the frequency and schedule for publishing blog posts and videos.
  3. Clarify the specific products to be analyzed and ensure variety in the selection.
  4. Establish a consistent format for presenting information in both blog posts and videos.
  5. Consider incorporating visual elements, graphics, or charts to enhance the presentation.
  6. Define the tone and style of communication to make the content both educational and enjoyable.
  7. Outline a plan for promoting the content across various platforms to maximize reach.

Success Metrics:

  • Number of subscribers gained during the project.
  • Audience engagement through likes, comments, and shares.

Project Plan: Prepper By Numbers – Blog and Video Series

Project Objectives:

  1. Create Engaging Content: Develop a series of informative and engaging blog posts and YouTube videos that break down the cost of everyday products for preppers, budget-conscious individuals, and general consumers.

  2. Audience Tailoring: Customize the content to meet the needs and preferences of the target audience, ensuring it resonates with preppers, those on a budget, and the broader consumer base.

  3. Detailed Analysis: Provide insightful analyses, comparisons, and specific metrics (e.g., cost per ounce, cost per serving) for various product categories including food items, household products, and money-saving items.

  4. Regular Posting Schedule: Establish and maintain a consistent posting schedule for both the blog and YouTube channel to keep the audience engaged and build anticipation.

Project Phases:

1. Planning Phase:

  • Define the scope and objectives of the project.
  • Research and identify key product categories to cover.
  • Develop a content calendar with proposed topics and posting schedule.

2. Content Creation Phase:

  • Create detailed outlines for each blog post and video.
  • Produce high-quality written content for blog posts.
  • Create visually engaging and informative videos for the YouTube channel.

3. Analysis and Comparison Phase:

  • Conduct in-depth analyses of selected products within each category.
  • Develop meaningful comparisons based on predetermined metrics.
  • Ensure a consistent approach to analysis across different product types.

4. Tailoring for Target Audience:

  • Customize content tone and style to appeal to preppers, budget-conscious individuals, and general consumers.
  • Incorporate feedback from the audience through comments and surveys.

5. Publication and Promotion:

  • Publish blog posts and videos according to the established schedule.
  • Promote content on social media platforms and relevant forums.
  • Monitor engagement metrics and adjust strategies as needed.

6. Continuous Improvement:

  • Collect and analyze audience feedback.
  • Evaluate the success of each post and video in terms of engagement and reach.
  • Adjust future content based on performance data and changing audience preferences.

Key Milestones:

  • The practical prepper who prepares for realistic and likely scenarios, such as natural disasters, power outages, or civil unrest. They focus on having the essentials, such as food, water, shelter, security, and communication. They may also have some skills and knowledge to cope with various situations. They are not paranoid or obsessed, but rather prudent and responsible. They see prepping as a way of life, not a hobby or a fad.
  • The doomsday prepper who prepares for extreme and unlikely scenarios, such as nuclear war, pandemic, or zombie apocalypse. They tend to have a pessimistic and fearful outlook on the world and its future. They may stockpile large amounts of supplies, weapons, and ammunition, and build elaborate bunkers or shelters. They may also have a survivalist mentality, preferring to isolate themselves from society and rely on their own resources. They see prepping as a necessity, not a choice.
  • The minimalist prepper who prepares for moderate and possible scenarios, such as economic downturn, social unrest, or personal emergencies. They focus on having the basics, such as food, water, first aid, and cash. They may also have some skills and knowledge to adapt to different situations. They are not wasteful or extravagant, but rather frugal and efficient. They see prepping as a habit, not a burden.
  • The liberal prepper who prepares for social and political scenarios, such as civil rights violations, authoritarian regimes, or environmental crises. They tend to have a progressive and activist outlook on the world and its issues. They may stockpile supplies that support their causes, such as books, art, or seeds. They may also have skills and knowledge to organize and mobilize communities. They see prepping as a form of resistance, not a surrender.
  • The conservative prepper who prepares for moral and religious scenarios, such as cultural decay, persecution, or the end times. They tend to have a traditional and patriotic outlook on the world and its values. They may stockpile supplies that reflect their beliefs, such as Bibles, flags, or gold. They may also have skills and knowledge to defend and preserve their faith and freedom. They see prepping as a duty, not a hobby.
  • 2023 Prepping Statistics and Demographics | TruePrepper: This article provides some interesting data on how many people are prepping, what they are prepping for, and how they are prepping. Some of the comments you can add are:

    • Did you know that only 39% of individuals have a basic emergency plan? If you’re one of them, good for you! If not, what are you waiting for? Check out this article for some eye-opening prepping statistics and demographics.
    • Prepping is not just for doomsday scenarios. It’s also for everyday emergencies, like power outages, storms, and pandemics. This article shows how many people are prepping for different types of disasters, and how they are doing it. Are you one of them?
    • If you’re a prepper, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re part of a growing community of people who value self-reliance, resilience, and readiness. This article gives you some prepping statistics and demographics that will make you proud to be a prepper.
  • Doomsday Preppers: How many are preparing for disaster? – This article provides some insights into the spending habits, motivations, and demographics of preppers in the US, based on a Finder survey. Some of the comments you can add are:

    • How much do you spend on prepping? Do you do it for fun, for security, or for both? Do you consider yourself a prepper, a survivalist, or something else? This article gives you some answers, based on a Finder survey of preppers in the US.
    • Prepping is big business, with roughly a third of the adult population in the US dropping a collective $11 billion on emergency preparedness in the last 12 months, according to a Finder survey. This article breaks down the spending habits, motivations, and demographics of preppers in the US.
    • Are you curious about how other preppers are doing? Do you want to know how much they spend, what they buy, why they prep, and who they are? This article gives you some fascinating facts and figures, based on a Finder survey of preppers in the US.
    • Prepping is not a uniform phenomenon. It varies by region, age, gender, income, and education. This article shows you how different preppers are, based on a Finder survey of preppers in the US.
    • Prepping is not a secret society. It’s a mainstream movement, with millions of people participating in it. This article reveals the size, scope, and diversity of the prepper community, based on a Finder survey of preppers in the US.


“Develop a series of blog posts and corresponding YouTube videos under the theme ‘Prepper By Numbers.’ The focus should be on breaking down the cost of everyday products into precise details, including dollars and cents, weights, and measures. Provide insightful analyses and comparisons to make this information valuable and easily digestible for the audience.”


  1. Consider specifying the types of everyday products you want to cover (e.g., food items, household supplies, survival gear).
  2. Think about the frequency of blog posts and videos (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly) and if there’s a preferred length for each.
  3. Clarify if there are specific metrics or criteria you want to use in your analyses (e.g., cost per ounce, cost per serving).


  1. Could you provide more details about your target audience? (e.g., preppers, budget-conscious individuals, general consumers)
  2. Are there any specific categories or themes within the “Prepper By Numbers” series that you want to focus on initially?
  3. Do you have preferences for the style or tone of the content (e.g., informative, engaging, data-driven)?

{project title}: Prepper By Numbers

{details}: Create and post content breaking down the cost of products into weights and measures like dollars, cups, gallons, ounces, etc. Prepper posts and videos that break down the cost of a product into how much it costs per drink or bite. 

2 Liter Bottle vs 12 ounce Can of soda

  • 2 Liter Bottle = 68 oz ÷ 12 oz can of soda = 5.67 cans of soda
  • 16 liters = 4.227 Gallons
  • 3.78 liters = 1 Gallon
  • *
  • 12 oz = 355ml 
  • 1 can = 24 tbsps
  • 2 Liter Bottle vs 12 ounce Can of soda
  • A 2 liter bottle is a great way to store water for a season and then if not needed, feed your plants with the stored water. 
  • Current cost or estimated cost for a 2 liter bottle and estimated cost of a can and show the difference in terms of ounces.
  • Cost per ounce, 2 liters versus 12 ounce can.
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